Premium Spindle Drive Solutions
for Enhanced Performance

GMN USA offers drives for high-frequency spindles, including configurations for three-phase AC motors in low-speed and high-speed applications. These versatile spindle drives use inverters in open or closed-loop configurations. GMN USA offers three types of drives:

  • Open-loop drives for asynchronous motors
  • Open-loop drives for synchronous motors
  • Closed-loop drives with encoder feedback (for automatic tool change applications)

Drives with Application-Specific Design

These spindle drives are designed specifically for high-frequency, low-induction motors. Benefits include:

  • Prioritized waveform quality
  • Less downtime, maximized production
  • Optimized output for low-speed and high-speed motors
  • Compatible with high-frequency spindles
  • Control and drive technologies for any application

Variable-Speed AC Motor Drive for Expert CNC

Spindle technicians can program variable-speed drives for a full range of spindle capabilities, including fast torque response and accurate speeds.

Other benefits include:

  • Ability to maintain a constant speed OR variable RPMs
  • Stopping at a precise position
  • Applying a specific amount of torque
  • Quiet, vibration-free, and continuous torque drive
  • Compatible with most spindle brands

The Right Drive for Your Spindle

The design of these high-speed drives that GMN USA offers reflect years of experience and industry insight. We offer multiple drives to match the specific needs of your CNC operation. The results are fast production times, unmatched quality, and fewer parts in your reject pile.


At GMN USA, our team represents years of spindle expertise. We look at your production requirements, tolerances, and the material you’re machining. The result is the right spindle drive for your operation.

You give your customers unmatched quality, exacting tolerances, and on-time, reliable deliveries when you combine the right drive with a GMN USA spindle.

GMN USA Drives: Precision and Power for Your CNC Machines