Precision Custom Balancing Services

For optimal performance

Machine spindles rotate at high speeds to perform their tasks, as fast as 250,000 RPM. At these levels, a spindle or related component that is out of balance causes vibrations that can cause everything from substandard products to catastrophic failures. This means unscheduled shutdowns, lost profits, and damage to your operation’s reputation. We’re talking thousands of dollars—maybe even tens of thousands. Thankfully, there’s a way to avoid catastrophe when you notice that your spindle isn’t performing quite like it used to.

GMN USA Specializes in Spindle Balancing Services

You can rely on GMN USA to ensure you avoid these costly shutdowns and repairs.

Whether it is a new GMN spindle you just purchased or you sent us a spindle for repair service we ensure that every spindle is properly balanced before we return it to you. Our capabilities include:

  • Balancing shafts as big as 1,000 pounds on our in-house balancing machines.
  • Trim balancing each spindle at the specified service speed, up to 250,000 RPM.
  • Ensuring the precision of your spindle up to G1 tolerances.
  • Balancing services for spindles of all types and from most manufacturers.
  • In addition to spindles, GMN USA performs tool balancing and rotor balancing. We also balance:
    • Turbines
    • Rotors
    • Fans

GMN USA Balancing Services Ensure G1 Quality

At GMN USA, we use ISO 1940-1 to determine the proper balance for spindles and the related components. Your spindles return to you with the correct balancing quality grade, or “G” value. Our knowledge, capabilities, and machinery allow us to achieve values as precise as G1.

How Do Spindles Get Out of Balance?

Spindles reach a state of imbalance from internal sources as well as external sources.


When your spindle is originally fabricated, all internal components are balanced. This balance comes from superb design, top-grade materials, and proper assembly. Each rotating shaft, or rotor, is placed on a rotor balancer and measured for imbalance. If needed, material is removed to attain perfect balance. Locking nuts on the rotating shaft also requires balancing. Damage to the rotating shaft or the locking nuts, usually from external sources, can cause internal balancing issues in this highly tuned mechanism.


External sources of imbalance come from tools and accessories installed on the spindle, such as bar feeders, quills, drawbars, wheel mounts, and other add-ons necessary for your specific process. GMN’s tool balancers detect and correct these imbalances.

Proper Spindle Balancing Is Vital to Your Machine Shop or CNC Operation

Properly balanced spindles run more efficiently, increasing productivity and product quality. With a spindle that is in top shape, you maintain the highest consistency from the beginning of the run to the end.

Call GMN USA for Expert Spindle Balancing Services

Choose GMN USA for your spindle balancing services. We offer expert knowledge and quick turnaround.
Ask us about expedited services to help you avoid downtime.